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Jazz2K said:
There's that hing you said about your girlsfriend that is true though. She might like Kinect games better than Move's games and frankly Xbox Live is not much better than PSN unless you start having lots of friends to play with. There's a lot of games on XBLA that are really good especially those from Twisted Pixel.

You might also like the fact that you can browse menus on the dash board with Kinect. I wouldn't worry about support for the peripheral, you don't spend so much money in advertising and try hard to integrate it on the next Windows and tvs just to stop supporting in a few years. If you like car games,

I recomment Forza 4 with Kinect... just played that today at a friend's place... when done properly, it really adds to games.

Funny. I was just reading my latest issue of GameInformer and they reviewed Forza 4 (a 9.25 I think) which is a great score. On the side bar they did a quick review of Forza with Kinect and they said it was absolutely horrible. The arm driving was absolutely lackluster, the head tracking completely pointless and horribly implemented, and an overall massive failure. Does your friend like it just because he can use Kinect? Or does he like it because it actually adds to the game? I think we all know the answer to that. As for the OP. If you have a PS3 already AND seem to enjoy PS exclusives... Why would you get a 360? The two are so similar. Rather than spend a lot of money on a new system/games you should upgrade to a 3D TV for your PS3. Trust me, you won't regret it. Sure it doesn't add to games, but it is quite an amazing experience if you haven't tried it yet. Plus, many games that you wouldn't expect support 3D and are a blast to play in 3D. The PS3 just does more. My fiance and I use it for Hulu Plus (Which the 360 recently got) she uses the Web Browser for Facebook Mobile which runs super smooth and super fast, we have over 100 downloaded movies packed into the video sectioned in alphabetical order and it looks sweet. Tons of pictures and music. The PS Store does everything Live does. People don't seem to understand how similar the two services are, except 1 you have to pay for. Unless you have 20 friends you plan to play with frequently, stick with your PS3. Or get a Wii. PS3/Wii or 360/Wii is the better combo to get a more wide varienty of games. PS/360 are just too similar to justify purchasing both. A lot of multi plats recently are exactly similar to the 360 or better (according to DF). Stick with what you got this late in the generation.