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I had a PS3 first for a while then eventually got a 360. What tipped the scales for me was:

a) reached around 7 exclusives on 360 I wanted to play. If there had been less than 7 I would have been pretty hesitant

b) a lot of my kid's friends used 360 so I knew they (but not I) would use cross-game chat and party chat a lot. Otherwise I would have been hesitant to pay for Live. Not that Live is expensive (from my perspective) but apart from a slightly better in-game interface and the cross-game/party chat it is the same as PSN. Actually playing games like CoD, etc. I never found any difference in quality , speed, etc. On the same network they were the same.

c) I live in UK and getting a 360 enabled me to put it in another room and use it as a third Sky Box for TV/Movies.

Kinect I have to say I've found worse than Move and Wii. It is very good for dance/fitness but worse (technically) for pretty much everything else I've played. Tennis, shooters, etc. are all better with Move/Wii. I know it's popular but don't confuse that with actually having great games. TBH if you want motion control games Wii is still miles ahead of either PS3/360 in terms of number of quality titles. Most Kinect/Move titles are terrible and oveall, apart from party stuff with groups, they don't have much to recommend them unless you use Move with Killzone, etc. where Move is good. Right now in terms of hybrid games Move is actually ahead of Kinect for titles.

So I'd say be sure you're going to get your money's worth. Most titles today the different between 360/PS3 is minimal to zero. Only a few well known developers still produce inferior PS3 versions. And TBH unless you know your stuff you actually won't be able to tell the difference. Apart from a few glaring exceptions to the average gamer/eye the titles look the same.

Conversely, if you do want eye candy the PS3 remains ahead in terms of exclusives due to its own development houses. The 360 gets very few games with custom engines, practically none in terms of overall library, compared to Killlzone, Uncharted, God of War, etc. all running on custom engines. Really today the situation is 360 and PS3 have most games looking the same, the 360 has a slightly greater number of multi-platform games looking better than PS3 and PS3 has the best looking exclusives, so it all tends to cancel out in the end,

The 360 is a good console for sure but in truth it's 90% the same console as the PS3 in terms of features/library at this point, perhaps more than 90% the same even.

So be sure it makes sense money/use wise before commuting to one would be my advice - for example by switching to Live for all online (apart from exclusives like Killzone).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...