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I updated the op to include the general types of games that I am interested in. I would play Gear of War 1-3 and Alan Wake but outside of those barring Kinect games like sports, and the exercise one I have no interest to play them.

For me its about the multi-platform games performing better, a better online experience, and having an aspect to the system that my gf can enjoy (not that watching me play uncharted 2 wasnt fun :P).

I dont want to waste money and regret my decision because I am still a student after all.

Anyways by now I probably sound like a madman so ill give it a rest as my eyelids are slowly closing (4am over here)

I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge
