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i posted the link to your thread on Seece wall so he could answer any question you may have about kinect. i'm not 100% he'll respond with me posting it but he's the best person to ask regardless of my personal opinion.

i'd say move nor kinect are better then the other cause they both serve the same basic functions. i've been reading more about both the PSEye which is the camera that tracks the move controller's colored ball and kinect, and while they feature some of the same features there are things both have that the other doesn't. but kinect is the most advanced out of the 2.

Moves full potential has yet to be seen. if your not going to get GEARS, Alan Wake or any Halo title then there is no reason i see for getting a 360. i like PSN and Xbox live and can't say one is better then the other but i favor PSN cause it's free. not sure what genres you like but it would be helpful if you'd post them in the op.