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Thanks alot for the helpful input everyone, im not to sure if I will get it since I can only think of a few exclusives that I do like and it would be a waste of money if I purchased it and forgot about it. I was never a fan of most Nintendo exclusives other than mario kart and smash bros but I would rather play gears than those games. Gf is interested in those dance/party/yoga games that Kinect/Wii have (her little brother has a wii), so it was more of a compromise sort of. As for online I guess I should try it on a friends system and see if its worth the purchase + sub price.

I am happy with my current system and already have quite the backlog of games, guess I just got caught up in all this consumerism!

I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge
