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So I already have a ps3 and I am quite happy with it, I enjoy the free online play alot and the exclusives are better in MY eyes. Recently though I have been wondering if Xbox Live is all it is cracked up to be? Is the online experience really that much better? I would say most of my friends are split 60-40 between Live and PSN. Also kinect seems to be better than the move, those kinect bundles are going fast and I am waiting it out for boxing day to make my purchase and see if there is a better deal than the 4gb with kinect for 199, or if its the same ill just bite the proverbial bullet and get it anyway. I also think my gf would enjoy more of the games Kinect has to offer, but I worry that it isnt really supported that much by Microsoft as they dont develop to many games for it.

So if there is someone out there who is kind enough and has been in my position before and is willing to share there advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

ps. Xbox Exclusives that I would like to play are Gears of War 1,2 and 3 and Alan Wake (not counting the kinect games ) ..... Also it seems like alot of multi platform games perform better on the 360 which makes me a sad panda

Edit: Just wanted to add the type of games that I am interested in which are Action/Adventure games (Uncharted, Infamous, Heavenly Sword, God of War, Red Dead Redemption).... I like some shooters like Killzone and games that have good online multiplayer like Madden and CoD.

I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge
