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PullusPardus said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

First i don´t know why you are attacking only me , it´s getting awkward and i am starting to lose my patience.

Second , stop putting words on my mouth

third , stop with the pc bs , i just said the pc and ps3 are the ports and the versions that have more problems and it´s truth.


I don´t fucking care about flying horses or mammoths or some other stupid bugs , but a bug that prevents you from playing a game???? i fucking care

if you accept bugs that make your game unplayable good for you , now you can go play your flawless copy of the game and leave us (" the spoiled bunch" ) alone ;)


/end of conversation


You and Wagram should have a hot steamy bro-mance time together.

Just report them, informed the rest to do the same..