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M.U.G.E.N said:

haha I think I might play those mini games more than the actual game even :P good mini games on portables ROCK! case in point Tekken DR bowling

and MOAR good newz ya'all

Hong Kong gets pummeled by pre-orders for PS Vita!

Pre-orders for the PlayStation Vita began today in Hong Kong, the second city to get access to the device, with all of the expected frenzy. Retail stores were mobbed, online stores were jammed, the government considered military quarantine of shopping districts -- you know, the usual. OK, China didn't contemplate violent force (that we know of) but it was a pretty manic pre-order scene all around, according to Richard Lai of Engadget China.

After witnessing the potential of U.S. shoppers to get down and dirty over $2 waffle irons, we're terrified to experience the homeland Vita pre-order spree. Just please, leave your pepper spray at home.

really good to see the demand :D

I read the update of this thread title as "King Kong gets pummeled by pre-orders for PS Vita!!" lol