austin2359 said: Unemployment benefits will only cover your rent if you live in the middle of nowhere or if you have utilized the roomate strategy to divide the rent. You really have to work just to support yourself. Plus you don't get unemployment unless you were working and then were laid off. |
Since when does having roomates mean you don't have a roof over your head?
Outside that, unemployment is FAR from the only government program that helps the poor.
Look at actual long term homeless rates and you'll see why your arguement falls flat... the Chronic homeless is around 150,000 people.
Even moreso when you consider most longterm homeless are people discharged from medical hospitals or jail.
80% of people who end up homeless, find a home within 3 weeks. While 90% do so by 2 months.
Everyone else is considered chronically homeless. For around 1.5 million homeless. Out of 307 million.
So that's 00.5% of the population that doesn't have a roof over thier head? Largely because they are by themselves and have mental problems.