nuckles87 said:
The Occupy Movement IS working. It's done something that nothing else has been able to do: shift the news media away from the deficit and onto real, current, pressing problems like income inequality. The media typically ignores these things. Heck, they ignored the Occupy Wall Street protests until the police started pepper spraying people on video. Anyone remember the 100,000+ Union march that happened last year in New York? Yeah, me neither, because it was completely ignored. The Occupy movement has been unwilling to go away, and by its very nature it can be very difficult to ignore, because it's not only constantly present in cities across the world, but it's gotten bigger. The "Day of Action" that happened after the Zucotti Park eviction proved as much that this movement isn't going anywhere. It's preaching popular ideas. Frankly, I think the evictions may be for the best, because as they are the "Occupations" began to cause problems. Police began placing vagrants and drunks in the protest, a few shootings that had nothing to do with Occupy happened near a few and got connected to the protests, we have police pepper spraying and beating people, and we have provacatuers and violent elements manifesting themselves within the movement. The Occupation needs to move out of the streets and into office spaces, and start using the streets for planned, co-ordinated protests.Much like the day of action that happened after the Zucotti eviction.
austin2359 said:
Scientific (Marxist) revolution is the only solution.
Its this kind of talk that only hurts the movement. Marxism isn't the solution. We just need to make our capitalistic system a more balanced play field, like it was before the 80s.