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Mr Khan said:

I tend to watch a lot of stuff streaming on the internet that i would never pay for, and if it weren't available i'd merely go without. The point of this anecdote is that this is how a lot of economics works. It's not about morality, it's about whether the customer is willing to pay at the price offered, and the general tendency is that people will pay a fair price rather than steal it even if stealing is easy, whereas people will never pay for what they're not interested in paying for

I disagree and agree a bit.

Firstly people will pay for their item if it is affordable and they want it enough. I don't disagree there, though i must say people resort to stealing when they could simply wait for prices to come down. With video games if your not talking Nintendo the software prices usually drop within a year and by two years the software prices have dropped likely to half that. If you include Black Friday and Boxing Day the prices are more then reasonable.

I think morality does play into the situation. I pirated a little years ago when I had no job and no income, but as soon as I could afford to pay I did. I didn't resort to pirating just because I couldn't afford the game day one, I would buy it on Black Friday/Boxing Day for less then half retail.

Fact is morality does play a role. Anybody who has a computer capable of streaming HD movies or pirating new games they have the money to buy the games/movies. Their are ways to get all of your movies and games at very affordable prices other then say Nintendo's.

I know I waited a while a couple years and now have gotten every TV series I want. I buy the seasons at 6.99$-9.99$ including Prison Break, 24, Big Bang Theory. Every show I want I can get at 9.99$ a season just by watching sales. When you make a very small income you can find ways to afford almost everything you want.

The pirates I know, my uncle being the biggest. He complains all the time "I can't afford the high prices" or "I wouldn't buy it if I didn't stream it". But he actually makes 300 more dollars a month then me. He also has less bills the problem is where he chooses to spend his money. While he pirates say 100 movies to 2 dozen games a year. He spends his money buying food and utensils and stuff he really doesn't need. I mean do you need a pasta machine? Really on our income a 200$ Pasta machine? I've always done fine buying my pasta from a store for 1.50$.

In the end I don't really buy any of the talk about not being able to afford it. If you can't afford to buy any of the movies or games you want you shouldn't be capable of pirating in the first place.

Example I have watched a movie a week in theaters since I lost my job at my news paper. I started by going to matinees but quickly found a theater going bankrupt they offer 2$ tuesdays so i can watch every new movie for two dollars by going across town. Then when a movie releases on BluRay almost always their is a release day deal at one of the major retailers. If I watch the ads I can get it 10$ or more off day one. If I don't want to spend 22$ or so for it on BluRay then I wait till Black Friday/Boxing Day and get it for 9.99$ or a year later for 4.99$ or so.

I really don't see any need for anyone to steal. Also considering how cheap Netflix is and such there is content everywhere at very affordable prices. Any movie, song or game you want can be aquired for little money at all.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer