Final-Fan said: To be fair, like many Pentakills, I can't take all the credit for all five of them. Xin Shao was almost dead, but he was attacking a teammate. Talon was at 30-40%. Miss Fortune was all mine, at 80-90%. Cho'Gath was around 30%, and Alistar helped. And I frankly killstole Jax's Lux, but I was annoyed at her for snaring me earlier. |
once i was playing as ezreal my score was 1-1 but had good cs.
our team was slightly loosing.
and their team was pushing mid. we had a team fight, i did everything, spammed all skillshots, landed them all, focused down their squishes, hit all of them with my ult, and suddently its me and vs a teemo and our fiddle running away , i q him once and start right clicking him with my red buff, then fiddle drains him for the kill.
then i saw and i had a quadra kill, i was going to rage at how fiddle denied me my penta!
also in the last 5vs5 ranked premade match i was playing with friends, i was jungle warwick, we had a wukong top vs trynda, he lost his lane even though i ganked. we were loosing bt 5 kills but we had more team fight capability, because of sona, brand and kogmaw as well as wukong ulti. they were taking dragon we came in enagaged, wukong got penta, non of us died, we took dragon and a tower. turned the game around.
Being in 3rd place never felt so good