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I heard some mutterings about it just after release. Stupid website I pre-orered off didn;t deliver for a WEEK after release, so I was seeing a bit of the complaints without getting a chance to play.

So I've played through on Hard. I don't have mad skillz at shooting in games. I didn't die all that often in straight gunfights. I had a hit rate of about 35% and my max head shots in a row was 10, and that was without actually trying to get head shots in a row. In UC:DF and UC2 I had to deliberately replay a chapter (on an easier setting to give me more time to line up the shot without being killed) for the express purpose of getting my 5 headshots in a row trophy. Un UC:DF I even "cheated" by getting my head shots with super-slow-mo turned on. So I was thinking to myself where are these complaints of broken aiming mechanics coming from? In UC3 I did it without even trying.

But it's bee pretty quitet, until I see this


I was able to get headshots while swimming in the water and while on the MF'ing boat while it was rocking all to hell. I just can't tell the difference between UC2 and 3 shooting. And if headshots (being supposedly more difficult to get) is a metric to measure ease of shooting mechanics, it would seem Uncharted 3 is easier.

So have I been misinterpretting the complaints, and people are actually complaining that it's too easy? I really can't see how people think it's broken.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix