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what rpg has u interested the most for 2012?

Versus XIII?  Q_Q


other than that, FFXIII-2 and FFX HD! (And surely Mass Effect 3 and Risen 2: Dark Waters)

Kingdom of Amalaur (Or how its called) looks interresting too!


@Skyrim -

.. such a dissapointment.. the game itself is brilliant, but its filled with bugs. i am in for like 75 Hours now, and while the first 30 went on like a dream, there are soo many problems hidden deep in this game.. really awful that Bethesda did release it that way. and i mean a Day1 Patch to Version 2.0 and a following Patch scheduled for thanksgiving show's that they really did mess this up. while i laughed my ass of back in 2006 for all that weird shit in oblivion, i've lost the patience and tolerance in 2k11 to ingore what the fuck is going on.. and IMO, its worse than Oblivion. by far. (Again, in terms of Bugs, not the game itself.)

i actually think about selling my Copy, and buying a fully patched GOTY next year..

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!