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Kasz216 said:
Ah interesting new piece of information.

As it turns out... the "Poor don't have access to healthy food" argument is even more debunked by this study.

The study? Well for one that the poor aren't statistically significantly higher in terms of obesity. And haven't been anytime in the last 35 years.

Maybe I misread it, but I thought it indicated higher obesity among the poor but the rate of people being overweight wasn't any different?

With that said, even if someone has something that demonstrates a correlation between poverty and obesity, the relationship between poverty and obesity does not imply that one causes the other ...



As I've mentioned many times, years ago (after studies demonstrated no relationship between IQ and success) there were several studies done in an attempt to determine what qualities were related to personal success in life; and the results of these became what we now call EQ (or emotional intelligence). While there were multiple qualities described, one of the core ones involved the ability sacrifice short term pleasures to achieve long term goals. From what I recall of the characteristics, they would be as well related to financial/career success as they are to success in maintaining your weight; and I think it is far more likely that a relationship between obesity and poverty could be explained by people lacking the emotional intelligence to manage either area of their life well.