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First off, find your passion and what type of work fulfills you. Whatever you decide it needs to be something you have a love for or else you will only end up half assing it your whole life, because you don't have the drive and passion for it.

Some of the sought after jobs right now revolve in the realms of Medical (nursing, Doctor, Pharmacist, Chiropractor, Medical Assisting, ect.), Technology (Information Technology, Computer Science, Network Management, Programming), Business Finance/Accounting. Those are some of the major ones that can get you work very fast. To find if you have an interest or passion in one of those fields talk to certain people that are involved in those area of work. ask them questions about the day to day things they have to face. The rewards, and the challenges.

Talk to people in all fields of occupation; Teachers, Brick Layers, Carpenters, Mechanics, Sales Clerks, Chefs, Store owners, Lawyers, ect. The best way to find out where your desires will reside is by talking to people from all walks of life and learning from what they say. And the people you know in those professions don't be afraid to ask them. Most people would be happy to tell you what they deal with in their profession. Don't settle for a degree that people tell you to do. Go for what most motivates you.

Last part I will give you an example. My brother after he got out of the Marine Corps decided to study Information Technology. He enjoyed it mostly and ended up being a Technology Coordinator at a public school. He gets great hours and its good pay. He felt however the whole time like he was missing something. He always got a fulfillment out of protecting people. He went into Police training and is now doing Police work part time and absolutely loves it. He says one day he may fully switch over to Police work while doing Computer work on the side. Its all about what motivates you and drives your passions.

Start with getting information from others in the field.

I hope that all helps.