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Reasonable said:
sales2099 said:
Reasonable said:
Train wreck said:
sales2099 said:
Reasonable said:
sales2099 said:
Its Japan and Japan alone. Without it Sony would have never caught up.

It's US and US alone.  Without it MS would never have taken the lead...

See, this kind of argument is essentially meaningless when used with bias.

360 has NA. Sony has EMEAA. Both essentially cancel eachother out. 

Japan is the only thing that allowed Sony to close the gap year after year. That sir, aint bias. 

If EA and NA cancel each other out, then both systems would be even in the end.  MS would not have a NA advantage.  Bad logic is bad.

You beat me to it!

Sales2099... by bias I mean you can't position an argument like that one way - it goes both way depending upon which way you state it.  You simply positioned it from MS/360 perspective which is flawed.

Very well. Then how about this. 

"It's US and US alone.  Without it MS would never have taken the lead...

See, this kind of argument is essentially meaningless when used with bias."

You see at least Sony has a decent presence in NA where as 360 doesn't even come close in Japan.

You point would have merit if PS3 sold as much as 360 does in Japan. 


Again it doesn't work like that.  My point has 100% merit because it's how logic works.  The 360 is more popular in some countries, PS3 is others.  Therefore you cannot claim any special "if only this" for one of the consoles.  Claiming if only the countries that preferred PS3 gave 360 more of a chance is automatically the same as asking for countries that favour the 360 to give the PS3 more of a chance.

The percentage difference in preference is irrelevant in such a condition - you can't say because Japan favours PS3 a bit more than US favours 360 that's different.  That just affects the extent to which they'd have to adjust their preference, not the basic fact they would.

Look, I was just calling out your statement was one way when the same logic applies to both and that is the case no matter how you try and argue it isn't so let's leave it there.

Dont comapre Japan to any old country that has a 360 lead and say its the same cause it isn't. 

3 biggest gaming territories are Europe, NA, and Japan. MS only has 2 of the 3 biggest territoeies working for them, Sony has 3. 

All other countries I could care less about....the core point is that Sony is equally represented in all 3, thus they have been able to catch up through the years. 

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