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LordTheNightKnight said:
Roma said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

That's not difficulty in the form of dying on bosses. Those are things that become easy once you look up gamefaqs. Facing down your first darknut or ironknuckle doesn't become easy even if you know what to do. You outright have to get good at it.

yes some people have a hard time using their brain but that takes the fun out of it... :P

1. Not all puzzles are about brains. Some infamous adventure puzzles made no sense, and were often about reading the developers' minds more than anything logical or analytical.

2. Zelda games are about being an epic hero, not trying to prove he's Holmes. It doesn't matter if you personally think it's fun. Proffessor Layton games do it better if you want that anyway.


What you personally think Zelda games are about doesn't matter

Hush now