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Jexy said:
Farmageddon said:

Well I agree exercise is important and actually feels good, but you can't separate these things into bubbles. It's harder to exercise when you're constantly wanting to eat more and maybe even being malnourished. It's not like the things you eat and the way you eat won't affect your metabolism and what not. I just think saying someone is fat because they don't exercise and eat too much is an oversimplification when the feedback goes both ways here.

Most of the out of shape people I know aren't starving all the time... they are just doing nothing.  In school you used to be able to FORCE kids to exercise in gym class... now you can't do that because of feelings and parents and lawyers.

Well, I've know quite a few fat people who said they had to eat something every trhee hours or so.

But ignoring this point, since it seems to vary, the gist of what I'm saying is that by eating food with few nutrients and lots of calories you're more likely to over-eat, be it on a single sitting or over the day. By getting fatter, your metabolism tends to change, which further changes the likelyhood of you actually exercising, which screws you up even more.

So yes, having children exercise is extremely important, but it seems to me nutriotionaly poor foods will make the whole situation harder, as in being harder both not to overeat and to exercise properly, so it's also an important part of the puzzle.

Besides, it's not like health is limited to how fat you are.