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OWS in a nutshell...

* Whaaa! Banks are mean because they expect me to fullfill an agreement I knowingly entered.
* Whaaaa! I have a right to a high-dollar college education and YOU have to pay for it because I am more special than you. I could have gone to a local college and stayed at home, but I'd rather shackle somebody else with the bill.
* Whaaaa! Insider trading is evil... but don't point out that every attempt to prevent congress to capitalize on their knowlege of upcoming financial restrictions and bailouts has been shot down by those very people because we have a democratic senate and president.
* Whaaaa! Capitalism is bad... we should all live in communism where the powerful will still get more money and material consideration but the rest of the people will all have less choice and negligible upward mobilitly. We must revel in our "equality".
* Whaaaa! We're going to run-down the places where we protest and generally disrupt the flow of the WORKING people. We'll bring in catered gourmet food, but we'd better be sure to keep those stinky homeless people out of our food.
* Whaaaaaaaaaa! Some thief stole my I-Pad while I was protesting for the good of "everyone". How could someone be so evil... now let's get back to complaining about how MY spoiled demands should be payed for by everyone else.

Boo Hoo!