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That is why I think the OWS as a whole is quite really stupid as they are really hurting the movement through thier own nonsensical actions.


The whole no leadership model means no one is giving out a clear message and therefore it is idiots who speak for them. Also the whole model is simply too absract and radical to most people so it makes the group seem radical or as a bunch of anarchists.

They do not like the media, and therefore do not communicate with them and frankly people on twitter and facebook who pay attention to OWS are usually people who will support such things not normal people.

Frankly do not blame the media, for they do what they do.

With no leader and no leader, no goals or message,  the media can only speculate. The movement has brought up the income issue and that is noteworthy but the civil rights movement this is not.

When I mean leaders, I am not saying its a one man show but there are not even key figures.