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Does anyone play a pure mage?

It's a serious handicap not being able to wear armor and having to cast stoneflesh every 2 minutes. At least my enchanting is getting a bit better so I can enchant some simple boots and a stat bonus on my feet. (Takes a while without stealing) I haven't found any bracers to enchant yet with 0 AC.

Warriors have it so much easier it seems. Enchantments on armor, helmets, boots, bracers, weapons and shields that you can find in every dungeon.
Mages only get a robe with standard 12% cost reduction for 1 spell line and upto an extra 100% magicka regen, a hood with +30 magicka, and 10% magic resistance with a perk. My level 12 warrior has way better magic resistance then my lvl 24 mage.
And with 330 magicka, 150% magicka regen and 90% of perks in spell classes I still have to regularly switch to a sword or staff to finish the job.

Is there any cool mage stuff I still have to find?