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Seece said

 Wrong, nowhere near that amount. 

oh but they are

That has nothing to do with what I said.

yes it did

i just told you that alot corporations have monkeys sitting at top which have been wrong again and again

I was attributing NPD to the U.S, nowhere else, so my comment in that regard was fine. 

i didn't say it wasn't

i was just talking about you giving examples of tracking number from these sales agencies

they have been wrong many times out of their wrong tracking or out of coverage just giving examples won't prove ur point

No, both 3.4m.


Again, that isn't even what I said. I said they've said in terms of beating PS3 this year they're talking about Sold to consumer, not shipments. Here's the quote.

Eurogamer: So when you say number one you mean sales?

Chris Lewis: I mean purely install base with consumers. We don't count units unless they're actually out there and installed. This isn't shipments. This isn't revenue. This is install base of consoles.

They know the difference between shipments and sold to consumers (last year up to end of december they used sold to consumer with Kinect which was dead in line with the site, then in late January they used shipments, for that they're known to use both sets of numbers, but they're NOT the same.)

Here they're not saying they'll use shipments as that measure as to outselling Sony, but sold to consumer.

we have no way of knowing if they are completely true as companies  play with their data to confuse people about high shipment or high shipments

yeah we have seen a trend of MS low shipments and high consumer sales but that is dependent on what MS does.

this thread is not about discussing what they do

you just predict based on what you think they will do and what will be the gap