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I am trying to kill the executioner and the dragon hunter. And all is ok until:
- I need to drink a flask or use a heal and then I am not sure if the action will start now, when I have a couple of seconds or in a couple of seconds when I don't have them anymore - it happens regularly.
- I am circling at some distance so that I have them both in my limited view, and suddenly I lose targeting and my character turns it's back on the plunging dragon slayer or his lightning shot.
- I am close the the lone executioner (after the other one is killed), he jumps to perform hes lightning enhanced ass slam, I want to roll away backward and roll forward instead, even though I was moving backwards initially OR I lose targeting, the character turns and takes the blast in the back - dead.

I need to go close since I use a shield and spear in this case, and all these things make the fight not fair, something this game was supposed to be. I don't like it right now.