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Well Bethesda threw down the challenge months ago: name your child which is born on 11/11/11, the Skyrim release date, Dovahkiin and receive free Bethesda games for life. Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer was born at 6:08pm. Congrats goes out to Megan and Eric Kellermeyer, who announced their sons birth on their blog, for the birth of their son. Good luck answering the inevitable question, “Mommy who am I named after?”


well, at least they get free Bethesda Games now. guessing that they are well above 20 years old, estimated to be able to play games up until their late 80's, that might be savings of .. well, 5 games? DAAAAMN they'll be pissed off when Bethesda changes Genre's or stops making games. >:D

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!