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lestatdark said:
mjk45 said:
lestatdark said:
Wagram said:
lestatdark said:

Been playing Skyrim to exhaustion these past three days (since I've had a break on college work). While I've been loving every bit from it, one of the main gripes from the previous ES games is still present.

You. Gain. Levels. Too. Damn. Fast >_>

Seriously, i'm just focusing on 4 skills (One-Handed, Smithing, Blocking and Heavy Armour), which are at level 69, 90 (I'm starting to make Daedric Epic equipment), 62 and 54 respectively and i'm already at level 30. And i'm still doing side-quests on Windrun (doing the last of the Companions quests now), haven't gone to another major city, other than Magrath because of the Sanguine's quest and I've still 75% of the map to explore...

I just hope a levelling mod gets released before I play my thief/assasin character >_>

Does it make the game too easy?

Well, i'm playing it on Expert difficulty, which is the second hardest difficulty. Haven't really made my game easier, since higher levels also unlock higher tier of enemies. For example, there are the bandits, which come in the form of Bandits, Outlaws, Highwayman and Marauder, with Marauder being able to kick my ass if I don't block and dodge their power attacks properly.

Also, there are a lot of enemies that can still OHKO or two-shot me, such as the Giants, the Mammoths or a Blood Dragon if he attacks me after it's breath attack. Plus, there's also the risk of critical attacks when your HP is below 50, which has a higher incidence on higher difficulties as well. 

Being level 30 (and especially having 90 Smithing and being able to forge Daedric equipment) has made me able to absorb more damage and deal more damage (A power attack from my Epic Daedric Mace can take 1/8th of a Blood Dragon's health), but not much else.

@mjk45 - The thing is, i'm not rushing at all. That's why i'm sticking with doing quests and exploring as little as I can. I've passed through a lot of mines, forts, redoubts and keeps that I've yet to explore because I didn't want to level up too fast. The problem is that even at high-ish levels of a skill, like one-handed, it only takes a few power swings to level up. For example, to get from level 68 to 69, it only took me about 10 power swings fighting a couple of Bandit Outlaws and Highwaymay on a quest for the Companions, which is about the same it took me at lower levels (such as 20s or 30s) to level up that skill as well. 

They should make the progress much more slower than it is. At least it's slower than on Oblivion, in which you could get to level 50 by solely doing a couple of quests and always be jumping, running, repairing your weaponry and doing alchemy.

did you ever think of adding more disiplines so that way you dont just level up the four types and remember most people probably do as bit of smithing here and there as they wander or like me take what they loot, I think your problem is you know the games to well and exploit that in doing every thing the best way possible ,so what this means is you have to create a character and play outside your comfort zone with self imposed rules and limits.

There's not much I can do, especially after investing so much on those primary stats and neglecting all others. If I switched to a more stealthy style or Two-Handed, that would mean I wouldn't be able to progress at all on dungeons, since I barely do any damage as it is now with my primary skills, much less on barely skilled weaponry.

Plus, i'm extremely self-restricted. If I wasn't, I would have already explored and completed all the dungeons I've found and would be near level 50. I'm trying to stick to quests only and with less combat possible, but sometimes it's just trully impossible to avoid that. 

damned if you do and damned if you don't , will changing up to the highest difficulty help or is that more for combat than levelling also how many hours have you put in . I basically do the main quest straight up then when thats done do what ever takes my fancy also I very rarely play for more than 3 hrs at a time.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot