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Kyuubi Ricky SSJ2 said:
I'm okay with this. If it's anything like Tales then it should be good. The Tales series has the best battle system when it comes to RPG's imo plus being 4 player co-op just makes it even better.

im not trying to force my opinion on you or anything but why would anybody want Final Fantasy to be like Tales?

i love the Tales battle system but if i want to play something like Tales then i will go out and buy Tales and if i want to play Final Fantasy then i will go out and buy Final Fantasy


it's almost as if the jrpg genre is turning into the fps genre

everybody claims that alot of shooters try to be like call of duty and now the same is basically happening with the jrpgs

like wtf is going on now-a-days?

the tales series took out the WORLD MAP in the series with Graces and Xillia just like the way Final Fantasy did away with the World Map with FF 10

and now of course FF is trying to gain a battle system like Tales -_-

maybe im just thinking too much about all of this..