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What a touchy and controversial topic. :)

Personally, I am Pro-Choice. There are always cases that abortion should be an option that most pro-lifers would agree with like rape, incest, mother/child could die, child has a serious defect that won't allow it to live once born, etc.

And banning abortion will not stop people from having abortions in the first place, it will just move back to where it was prior to doctors being able to perform abortions. That would be the alley's, the homes, etc where there is a high probability that the woman could become sterile, or die from a self administered abortion. Just banning it doesn't mean that it won't happen and if someone does not want to have a baby bad enough, they will go out and get them. They should have the opportunity to go and choose to have a doctor safely perform an abortion. But they shouldn't use that as a regular form of birth control.

I just don't see what right I have to tell someone that they cannot ever get an abortion for any reason whatsoever. Personally, I would never encourage a woman that i got pregnant to have one, but would respect her choice to do that.


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.