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I think there are those who are impressed by art and those who are impressed by achievement. I personally have been impressed by both, specifically with different PC releases. For example, the level of achievement Skyrim has in its world AS WELL as the art style is superior to Oblivion in my opinion. So with that, PS360 owners, unconscious of it, measure technical achievement with amazement rather than a lustrous art-style. The substance of their argument doesn't consist of whether Skyward Sword looks great or not, but whether or not it has achieved something amazing in terms of technology in relation to this graphics style. Which I agree, that it isn't much more impressive than Twilight Princess was. However, many in the gaming media as well as fans of other consoles do not regard art direction at all, and that is the issue that this article argues against. A very well-made argument might I add. I'm not really impressed by Skyward Sword's art-style to be honest, games like Okami, Muramasa, and other Action-Adventure games are far more original, unique, and impressive. That doesn't mean that it is bad, just that I feel that some overstate it. Regardless, it is sufficient enough to impart the atmosphere of the game to me with the other content that is, such as the story, back-story, combat, and so on.