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I liked Double Dash, but in reality the concept of two players to each kart doesn't apply anymore. A major reason behind the two person per kart was Nintendo GameCube's LAN capabilities. The game was supposed to be largely 16 player though upon release this fact was very unknown. Fact is today LAN capabilities don't really matter we have online and there is no reason to accommodate 16-players. Of course there were many other aspects which led to Double Dash but most of these aspects aren't really applicable today.

Fact is people want to drive as well as shoot. They want the full experience and the Double Dash idea just doesn't fly that well in the current market. I guess I could see 2-player karts being an option, maybe Nintendo could make it that if two players wanted to team up with the same kart that this would be possible.

But I can't see any logical reason to create another Double Dash. It was amazing for its time but the concept just isn't as appetizing in todays market!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer