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I played Gears 2 for quite some time and that MP was terribly terribly flawed FOR me. The lag, jesus christ. I still remember my friend being like: Bro, shoot with your shotgun in the wall. Do you see the bullets penetrate the wall accurately? or is there a slight delay?

CUZ IF THERES NOT A DELAY -> You are the host.

I was like W T F. I got the 360 from my father with Gears 2 (this was like ..early 2009 I believe) and thank god I didnt have to pay for XBL as I got it free for like one.. or three months (cant remember). But after that experience.. Damn.

I did complete all horde waves with my friends, was alright. Then again playing Haze with my friend was alright too LOL.

Jexy I understand what you said about me and my signature; but you are no better. Signature or not, you haven't even played UC3 yet you comment on it's MP and make statements on how it's "not a MP game". Yes we get that the singleplayer in Uncharted is just at a whole other level, but the fact is, Gears 3 MP is NOT at a whole other level when compared to UC3's MP.

^I just pulled a Jexy incase you didn't see what I did thaaar!