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Shadow of the Colossus is an overated big steaming turd of a game.

Here's a synopsis if you've never played:

1. Use your sword to show you the direction to go, as you ride an obnoxious horse around a large expanse of boring terrain with no enemies on it.
2. Find the colossus
3. Figure out what obnoxious means is required to climb said colossus
4. Find the colossus' weak points to stab with your sword
5. Hang on for dear life as the colossus flails around for five minutes, giving you a window of a split second to stab the weak points
6. Probably get knocked off every so often and climb the colossus again
7. Repeat 16 times for 16 different colossi

The only exception to this is the even more obnoxious final colossus, which you'll probably fall off a couple dozen times. I even had the entire health bar drained, but had to try getting back up 5 more times because he apparently had a sliver of health left.

The only highlight of the game was watching the horse die.

Seriously, it's not often that I feel like I paid too much for a game, but the 15 bucks I spent on this collection was too much since ICO was just as boring and only lasted about 3 hours.

Edit:  WTF, the horse isn't dead?!?  There goes the only saving grace this game had!