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As a non PS3 owner, the opinion of an outsider may shed some light, or it may spark a debate :)

It sold more then Uncharted 2 first week but then again Gears 3 had a much bigger boost compared to Gears 2. Im bringing up Gears 3 off course because it is the 360 biggest exclusive this year, as Uncharted 3 is PS3 biggest exclusive this year. Both are third person shooters, more or less.

The Uncharted franchise is the result of overhype on the internet by the loyal fans. The voices of the few many times speak for everyone, but doesn't necessarily represent everyone.

The result is massive hype that has no equal on the internet but translates to poor actual sales........compared to rivals such as Gears.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.