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TruckOSaurus said:
Made my way up the Chapter 16 (I'm about to board the plane). It definately gets better from Chapter 6 onwards. I'm kinda sad they removed the Iron Fist, I loved running up an enemy while gunning like a madmen to finish him off with a punch in the face.

On the treasure side of things, I think I'm doing good... I think I've got 37 so far. Not bad considering I'm not making that much effort to find them.

The iron fist is still present bro! Sometimes you can hipfire and try to only land 1 shot, if they live and you press square; you do some awesome animation such as throwing the gun at the guy, making him hold it and then punching him in the face, grabbing your gun back in air XD. Or just swinging your M9 at him.


People seem to like UC3, and the few who say that UC2 is better seem to feel that UC2 had a more fresh feel to it when it came. Obviously thats understandable. My question to those is:
Would you still rather play UC2 than UC3 though? Obviously UC3 is new, and to me it is far better in every aspect (I know some disagree), but would you actually rather play UC2 over UC3 RIGHT now? Because I am litterarly having dreams of UC4 and the way I play it is just like UC3. After playing the UC2 train level yesterday just to see how the feeling differs, it really Really REALLY feels like such a downgrade (obviously, thats how it SHOULD play if the sequel is to be better).


I can say UC2 did have a bigger impact obviously. I was one that really loved it but some parts such as the boss fight and the train sequence.. while being amazing, felt really "Meh" after experiencing God of War 3. I figured it was because God of War 3 is like ..this steroid type of game, and I understood that Naughty Dog's Uncharted has another type of appeal. But holy fuck I did not expect UC3 to blow me away like it did. AND MY EXPECTATIONS were arguably the highest of many here. I was responsible for like 75% of the UC3 threads XD.


I think you need to differ between the game being "better" and it being "better for its time".

UC2 in 2009 was mindblowing. Mind you, there was no God of War 3, no Mass Effect 2. The only game I felt had a chance on its epicness, and well.. was better in my opinion, was Metal Gear Solid 4. But UC2 and MGS4 were the only games in their own league (FOR ME. Not saying there were no other games).


But after 2009, there has been a lot of games that have the same approach. I don't know if Naughty Dog is responsible for this XD after the huge success of UC2 but yeah...

UC3 in 2011 beat my expectations and makes UC2 pale in comparison for me. It really does. Thats what makes me define UC3 as a better game than UC2. Obviously not with the same impact on the gaming world though. Although the set pieces will wow a lot of players. I highly recommend playing UC2 all over again AFTER UC3, then completing UC3 once more.

It really is hard to not enjoy UC3 a little bit more in my opinion :P. And who doesn't love Sully?!