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I know most people will disagre, but Rockstar should adjust the movement system. Turning while running can be very inaccurate and somewhat delayed. It's easy to move while walking, but obviously walking is much too slow. GTV should implement a system where you can run with accuracy and control or allow the player to jog without the need to sprint.

In fact, get rid of the sprint button. Or at least assign it to one of the back buttons. With myself having only two thumbs, it's literally impossible to adjust the camera while sprinting. This leaves players hoping they don't collide with a car on their blind side when turning.

Also, some of the movement animations are annoying. Losing balance due to a passing car is cool the first time it happens, but it eventually becomes a large annoyance.

Also, jumping is flat out terrible. Honestly, this needs no explanations. This really needs to be impoved.

The shooting mechanics needs improvement also. Again, aiming is delayed and slow.

The cover system sucks. Fix it.

Basically, just make the gameplay more smooth, tight, & quick and less clunky, inaccurate, & slow.