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I think the distinctions here are pretty arbitrary. It is difficult to define "gimmicky" from the OP. I would say SMW is definitely true to the spirit of SMB and SMB3, in that it is a 2D platformer, uses powerups, has the same standard mechanic. To call Yoshi an "expansion pack" is too limited here. The game adds much more than that!

I would also like to say that I think Super Mario 3D Land is definitely in this same spirit. Linear, action, platformer, powerups. The only thing different is that it melds 2D and 3D styles. However, the game is very much in the exact same style of all Marios preceding it. Definitely in the same genre/game mechanic of SMB,SMB3,SMW, and NSMBWii. The only difference is that sometimes it adds an extra dimension. To dismiss this as "gimmick" or a "spin-off" is way too limited in its view. I assure you, this game could easily be one of the best, most loved Mario games to come. It brings together all the best elements from games past.

Therefore, after reconsidering the OP's definitions,of "real super mario", I would say the next one will be here Nov 13th.