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MasterVG71782 said:
Ail said:
Ail said:
marciosmg said:
Ail said:
fadetoone said:
Ail said:
Grrr missed Leeroy in my first Dark Souls playthrough. I will have to make sure not to forget about him in the second one...

My 2 shields are getting nerfed big time in the incoming patch too, I will have to find new ones .
Although i do agree the Crystal ring shield needed to be nerfed , right now I am throwing it for 1k damage a pop...( not trivial to use solo as animation is long but if I get summoned we destroy any boss..)

Leeroy Jenkins?

Yep ;)

he invades you if you are in human form before one of the boss

I beat Dark Souls. The last boss was annoying cause even as a tank (with full Havel armor and shield) and a lot fo stamina he could still break my guard and kill me.

So I had to revert to the old Demons Souls way: hide behind a pillar, hit him once, hide, wait for him to hit the pillar and then hit him again.

I didnt like it. But, at least its done. I have no desire to get other trophies, so I guess that either I will stop playing it or I will try a mage character.

PS - Played NG+ for a bit. Took me what 10--15 mins to ring the first bell

I'm not having any problem blocking him.

Almost killed him on my first try.

I did switch to a black knight shield +5 for this fight because of the fire resist and I am rolling away as well as blocking ( I am bellow 50% weight).

Going back now and hopefully this time he dies

Well the next 3 attempts didn't go so well so I went human, summoned a couple people and we proceeeded to own him..

After watching someone on a stream get owned repeatedly, it seems like there's a relatively easier than normal way to try and get him into a pattern, thus making him a little easier. I will say he seems a lot more difficult than Demon's Souls' last boss :P

His attacks don't do a crazy amount of damage(  no one hit)  but the issue is that he is relentless in his attacks and when you are lucky to get an opening, most of the time your stamina is actually low and it's safer to elect to regen stamina instead of getting one hit in that would drain the last of your stamina... Best time to attacks is actually if he misses his grab or his knee bash...( especially if you eluded those without spending stamina).

He's not the hardest boss though. Hardest boss for me remains 4 kings...It took me forever to beat those solo and that was using the uber crystal ring shield attacks...I have helped others beat them and even with a 2 man team that fight isn't that easy... Although I will say a lot of the players that summon don't heal their summoned helpers often enough by drinking their flask...If I summon, the first thing I make sure off is to heal my helpers..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !