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I find the European countries the most interesting during the war. While i still find that the role played by america, japan etc were very important i find Europe to be the most interesting theater. I must say as a Brit i am intrigued by the British and the way in which we held on even against the far superior armies of Germany and its allies. i also find Russia and Finland extremely interesting because they too both held on and paid heavily for it as well. Some of the most interesting stories though come from the resistance groups in France and Poland especially the work they did for the allies. Germany of course is an extremely country to study especially Hitlers rise to power and i feel very sorry for the Germans because looking back i think id have voted him in to. They definitely don't deserve the slack they get for the war. For me i just want to see the "spirit of Britain" come back in today's society because we really need it.

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt