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RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:

Does that mean you don't want to say "yes, even though that would never happen"?

I think it might.

Which would mean that the sole purpose of your scenario was indeed to push me into a corner. There was no attempt to keep it reasonable on your part, winning an argument was all that mattered.

If we both know something would never happen, it becomes a point of no practical value. So yes, I don't want to say something along the lines of "yes, even though that would never happen", because it's a waste of our time. But go ahead and continue with your argumentation, if you want. Just keep in mind that we then are talking alternate dimension material instead of a real world scenario. Anything that comes out of that will have no bearings on the fundamental point of this thread.

All right, so we've hit upon the point of "absurdity" - I was actually kind of hoping you would say "No, it wouldn't be the main Mario series, because it would be about sex, when at its very most fundamental Mario is about running and jumping".

But if you hold to your criteria strongly enough to say that a Mario porn (or a Mario WRPG with no jumping, or a Mario Call of Duty) series has the theoretical ability to become the mainline Mario series: well, what else is there to say? You clearly belong to a different ontological school than I do (ontology is the philosophy of being and of classification)