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RolStoppable said:

This post is proof that you disregard the common sense argument. I mean, read what you typed. The plausibility of this scenario is 0 %. With this post you don't show anyone the absurdity of my argument (assuming it is, although it is not), you only highlight the absurdity of your own. 

What we know is that Super Mario Bros. became and remained the main series of Mario games solely through consumer choice. Your counterargument is based on making another game popular by force. By your own admission, the Mario porn game wouldn't exist or become successful, if it weren't for your infinite funds. Ultimately it's not consumers' money or even Nintendo's (which, then again, comes from consumers) that built the game, but solely yours.

Nevertheless, the argument of making a certain type of Mario games the main series by force is interesting, because that's what Nintendo is trying to do. They don't give SMB and the 3D Mario games the same level of attention. Super Mario Galaxy was the first Nintendo game to have an orchestrated soundtrack, there's no doubt that its production values were high. Meanwhile, NSMB Wii is in such a bad shape in terms of production values that it's getting accused of being a DS game on a home console. But despite 3D Mario receiving more attention from Nintendo, SMB still reigns supreme. It must be infuritating for Nintendo that so many people still refuse to "get with the program" as padib calls it.

But I digress. What makes it so hard to accept that Super Mario 3D Land is a spinoff? Because in the end this is all this exchange is about. The quality of the game isn't in doubt. Does it make you enjoy a game less, if it is a spinoff? Or is it the "majority doesn't dictate the reality for everyone" thing? If so, what gives the minority the right to declare what is the main series and what is a spinoff? All the minority has brought up so far is that they personally like 3D Mario just as much or more than SMB, therefore 3D Mario belongs to the main series a.k.a. the REAL Mario games for the purpose of this thread.

So if somebody likes Mario Kart a lot, it's also a part of the main series Mario games? Is that so? No, not at all. Because this is where the common sense argument kicks in. I have the feeling that this paragraph contains an implication that a subset of 3D Mario fans lacks common sense and therefore it may be perceived as an insult. But I don't know how else I should say it when lore, sequels, consumer choice and different gameplay skeletons get repeatedly disregarded as reasons why certain games are part of the main series and others are not.

One cannot make a game popular by force, Rol: as you have said yourself, advertising only works insofar as the product works, and no amount of advertising can hold up a product that doesn't work for its audience. Even in my scenario, not only am I a consumer, but all those 470+ million copies that were bought by people who weren't me? That's still sheer consumer choice.

This exchange isn't about Super Mario 3D Land. You and I haven't been tlaking about Super Mario 3D Land for pages.

Now answer my question.

I'll address this "common sense" thing in the next post, but yes, it does mean you stumbled into the point I was making.