ROBOTECHHEAVEN said: @crystalchild, which rpg would u buy on launch day if a sequel was made? |
Ugh, thats what i call a tough question. ^^ things that first come in mind for me are games like Shadow Hearts (Covenant), Legend of Legaia, Grandia, Nier (<------ <3), Drakengard.. gosh, i could make a preeeetty huge list. So the question would be rather, which games i wouldnt buy a sequel of. ^^
but if i had to pick 5 'most wanted' Sequels, it'd go as this; (Except games of this gen.. which is pretty much only Nier)
1. Legend of Dragoon
2. Terranigma
3. Shadow Hearts
4. Legend of Legaia
5. Grandia
(I might not remember some games, if some of the forgotten come to my mind which should be mentioned, ill post em)
But what about you Robo? Which Sequels would you like to see? o:
(I hope i got your question right ^^)