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yo_john117 said:
Carl2291 said:
I just noticed the Weekly increases.

PS3 - 15%
PSP - 15%
PS2 - 22%

Wii - 38%
3DS - 41%
DS - 38%

360 - 43%

Can anyone answer me what caused the massive jumps for non-Sony hardware?

Wii had nothing new release. DS had nothing new release. 3DS had nothing new released. 360 had the same game release as PS3 did, only it sold less.

Am I missing anything?

The PS3 was already doing so good in EMEAA that it didn't get as big of a rise out of the start of the Christmas season?

But really I think it's overtracked. Even for this time of year 1.5 million consoles on shelves is too high IMO.

you mean undertracked?

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