d21lewis said: Nope. I got Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, and Black Ops. I skipped all of the others. The online is the big draw and it feels exactly the same, year by year. I probably won't buy another CoD until 2013. Too many other great games to buy, anyway. In the past two months, I got Gears of War 3, Resident Evil 4, Starfox 64 3d, Gunstringer, Dance Central 2, Batman Arkham City, and Uncharted 3. I still have to get WWE 12, Zelda, Saints Row 3, Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart 7. No need for CoD after all of that! |
Let me get this straight. You wont' get the new Call of Duty game because it feels exactly the same every year(not that you would know since you haven't bought all of them) but you're buying WWE '12?
Looking at your collection you also bought WWE 2011. Aren't you being a bit of a hypocrite?