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osamanobama said:
wow, recognizing largely terrorist groups now, are we UN?
if we didnt need any more proof that the UN is a giant socialist agency hell bent on destroying anything and everything the democracy and capitalism stands for, (basically the antithesis of what the US was founded on).
the UN needs to die

Please. The UN exists in part only to legitimize American global policy, as well as those of the other victorious Allied powers of the second world war (hence the security council). The organization would have to be fundamentally reformed before it could ever hope to take a stance against neo-Imperialist abuses, as it is the security council keeps it paralyzed from being able to enact positive reform in anything but the most common-sense cases (like food aid to Somalia), and the quick breach of consensus amongst the old Allied Powers means that the Security Council itself is fundamentally paralyzed unless certain members abstain (as in the Korean War)

All these Americans who wail about the UN as some sort of socialist bogey-man that somehow poses some sort of insidious threat make me laugh

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.