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Maybe it's late but I have Siren Blood Curse, i don't played it much but from what I played the games is good. It has a nice atmosphere and a nice feature in which you can look through the eyes of the monsters so you can see what they see. It's nice and gives the creeps sometimes.

Also, another game I strongly recommend it's Amnesia The dark Descent for PC, it's a REALLY scary game, you have no weapons and you have to run from the monsters that lurks the zone. It's an horror gem of this generation.
Also maybe you can try Silent Hill Homecoming, there is a lot of hate for this game but for me it was a nice game with a nice story and creepy atmosphere. However at times it's disappointing.

And last but not least maybe you can try the Wii version of Silent Hill Shattered Memories, personally I HATE this game but it's an interesting game IF you don't know the story of the first Silent Hill and the characters from that game.

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