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Twroo: France is twice as big. France market value is around 2.3-2.4 bln euros (3.3-3.5 bln $) while Canada is "only" 1.5 bln $. Actually taking into account population France has even more developed console market than USA or Canada. However as stuff cost more in France in terms of units USA is probably a little ahead (per person).

BKK, you are right about Germany. It has actually one of the most undeveloped console market (taking into account it's population and high GDP). Software video games are at 554 mln euros (around 810 mln $). As software sales constitute around half of whole market value Germany should be at around 1.6 bln$. So Germany's market is similar in size to Canada's.
Contrary to common beleif PC market isn't that big in Germany: software sales are 267 mln euros (around 400 mln USD).

*All numbers are for 2007 year.