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***** Edit - Event is over and not today. Sorry to all those Quebeckers that missed it!

Well Eidos has spent the whole night and morning talking about its open house. They are bragging all over and promoting that anyone and everyone is welcome to come in.

By going to the open house you can meet the development teams behind Theif and Deus Ex. You can see the whole studio pretty much and view some of Eidos's most recent work. Eidos has also bragged that it is giving away swag and selling a lot of collectables found nowhere else. Do you want a special limited edition poster? Do you want a t-shirt or hoodie? Do you want to go and get your game signed or your merchandise autographed?

I know not many users are from Quebec but I thought any user in Quebec should know. The event is on till 4pm and is open to everyone. To see pictures of some of the merchandise as well as how the event is going visit Eido's Photo page here!

Is this a good idea? Oppening your studio up for everyone to come in and see and purchase merch should other developers and publishers do this? Which developer/publisher would you most like to attend an open house at?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer