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My favorite game is Sonic Shuffle, a lot of people hated the game but I personally loved it. I enjoy the board game style titles like Mario Party and Sonic Shuffle offered me a similar experiance but unlike Mario Party Shuffle had a plot with more depth. I actually enjoyed the single player campaign and using the VMU which was used best in Shuffle.

My second favorite title would have to be PowerStone2. I prefered it to PowerStone because of the increase in multiplayer capabilities. To this day it is one of my most missed franchises. I long for Capcom to announce PowerStone 3 for next generation platforms.

My third favorite game would have to be Evolution:The World of Sacred Device. To this day I prefer the Evolution games on DreamCast to many other big RPG's. I actually prefered them to Final Fantasy and is my third favorite RPG series behind my favorite Pokemon and my second favorite Mother. The game had great turn based battles which I prefer to real time and the customization of the weapons including your arm and such was just brilliant. I purchased Evolution Worlds on GameCube and it was one of my favorite games for that system!

Long live DreamCast, despite getting less support then the competitors platforms it managed to have some of the best games in console history!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer