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FinalEvangelion said:
yo_john117 said:
FinalEvangelion said:
Awesome growing brand of dSLR (alpha) cameras that's going up against Nikon and Canon.

As for PlayStation -

Offensive to Americans.

jRPGs (they are finally returning to the console after experimentation with Wii and Xbox 360 and failing on both).

Diverse group of gamers compared to the other two.

Great First Party.

Terrible Marketing.

That is complete and utter bogus and you damn well know it. Look at the last 2 generations for Christ's sake!

PS3 is the newest, and I'm just thinking of reactions from alot of people I know when they found out I had a PS3.  Many were offended - even if I did have an Xbox 360.  When I went to Japan, I didn't get that reaction.

No, just no dude. You know friends always rag on their friends for owning certain products...they aren't actually offended. I had tons of friends slag on my 360 and games that were on it but so what they played my 360 and enjoyed it they were just doing what most friends do.

Look at the sales of the PS3 in the US. If what you said is true than it would have sold roughly as much as the 360 has sold in Japan.