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which rpg this gen, to you is the best example of what the genre was and should be?
LOST ODYSSEY for the 360, the story,gameplay and extra quests , music. everything too me was so well done.
2nd place for me would be : star ocean the last hope international for the ps3.

agreed with your picks, when it comes to 'how a rpg should be built'.

finished Dragon Age II, i like it. it may not be as huge as DA:O (it feels kinda rushed, and it was dev'd, in just 18 Months) but i thought it was still a nice game. i can understand that some might have disliked it, but i think all the 'hate' it gets is undeserved.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!